Young Pioneer Garments: Hosiery

Figure 1.--

Young Pioneers mostly wore ankle socks and kneesocks. Kneesocks were not as common as in Scouting and in many cases there does not appear to have beemn a standard type of socks. We do not have official Pioneer regulations. Available image suggest, however, that a uniform style was not generally enforced. There was probably more consistency for formal events. There are also differences notable over time and among countries. While ankle and kneesocks appear to have been the most common hosiery worn by Yong Pioneers, the members also wore long stockingds and tights.

Chronological Trens

There were differences notable over time concerning hosiery. HBC does not, however, have sufficent information on these trends.

National Trends

There were differences notable among different countries time concerning hosiery. HBC does not, however, have sufficent information to assess these trends. While ankle socks and kneesocks were most common, we have noted long stockings and tights being worn. We have little country information on long stockings, but have noted tights being worn by German (DDR) and Soviet Pioneers. We believe they were worn in other coyntries as well.

Specific Hoseiey Types

Young Pioneers mostly wore ankle socks and kneesocks. We do not have official Pioneer regulations. Available image suggest, however, that a uniform style was not generally enforced. There was probably more consistency for formal events.


Kneesocks were not as common as in Scouting. Kneesocks especially white kneesocks have been noted at dress events in some countries.

Ankle socks

There does not appear to have beemn a standard type of socks by Young Pioneers in any country. The most common type of hosiery, however, appears to be ankle socks. While ankle and kneesocks appear to have been the most common hosiery worn by Yong Pioneers, the members also wore long stockingds and tights.

Long stockings

HBU has little information at this time, but we believe that some younger Pioneers did wear long stockings, probably the younger boys and girls.


HBU also has limited information tights, but we know they were worn by some Pioneers during the 1960s and 70s in Germany and Russia. This appears to have been when tights were most common as boys' wear in East Bloc countris. We believe they were worn in other East Bloc countries with Young Pioneer movements as well as well. White tights appear to be worn for special occasions, but we have noted other colors of tights being eworn as well. In many instances the use of tights for Young Pioneers was because boys, espcially younger boys, wore them to school and most Young Pioneer activities were associated with schol. There appears, however, some instances of tghts being worn as part of a dress uniform for formal evrents.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: December 26, 2001
Last updated: December 26, 2001