Russian Caravelle Pioneer Movement: Modern Russia

Figure 1.--Here we see a meeting of the Russian Caravella group in modern Russia. The photograph was taken in March 2005 in Ekaterinburg. They are preparing for a fencing competition.

The “ Caravella / Carabela ” group has survived the now defunct Pioneer organization. A Russian reader tells us that some Pioneer units have survived in quite a number of schools where the children showed an interest and there were adult staff interested in working with them. Caravelle as a specialized Pioneeer unit is one of the units that has survived. We do not know what the size of the Caavelle group is in modern Russia, but we note that there are some active units. It was prmarily a Summer camp organization with a naval focus. It has evolved into a youth marine and journalistic group. We notice them involved in a range of activities like fencing. A Russian reader writes, "On your site completely there is no information about contemporary youth orzganizats in modern Russia. Skautskoye movement existed in Russiuntil the October revolution of 1917 and at present it revives. In the application as an example is photograph of one skautskogo force in Ekaterinburg - as you see in them there is your form typical for all skautskikh organizations. This photograph was taken during March 2005 in Ekaterinburg. In the photograph the children of the force "Caravelle" are lined up before a fencing competition." Indeed we have virtually no information on Scouting in Russia and would welcome any information that Russian Scouters can provide us about modern youth group activities.


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Created: 7:47 PM 4/16/2005
Last updated: 4:36 AM 4/22/2005