Hong Kong Scout Activities: Map Reading

Figure 1.--Map reading as part of a camping and hiking experience is an important activity for Scouts around the world. The same is true of Hong Kong, only the activity has to be conducted in an urban environment. There are, however, some parks which are a little more suitable then crowded city streets. Notice the Cubs large backpack.

Map reading as part of a camping and hiking experience is an important activity for Scouts around the world. The same is true of Hong Kong, only the activity has to be conducted in an urban environment. There are, however, some parks which are a little more suitable then crowded city streets. Hong Kong Scouts do not have, however, the wilderness experiences enjoyed by most other scouts around the world. Here Cubs and Scouts work together on a map reading exercize (figure 1).


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Created: November 27, 2003
Last updated: November 27, 2003