Hong Kong Cub Scouts: Specific Activities

Figure 1.--This Cub is engaged in a game, but I am not sure just what it is. He wears white tennis shoes for the activities oprogram. Click on the image to see another photograoph of this game.

We do not yet have much information on activities involved with the Cubbing program. As far as we can tell, the Hong Kong Cubbing program is a traditional program with many of the same activities associated with Cubs. We note Cubs playing a variety of games. Give the age range of the Cubs, these games are one of the most popular ctivities. Some of the games we recohnize, others are new to us. I'm not sure what game the boy here is playing (figure 1). We do know the player could only step on the squares, one of which he could move. This allowed him to make his way around the gamre area. We don't know, however, the objective of the game. Hopefully our Hong Kong readers will provide us some information about the Cubbing program. We would like to add information about both historic activities and those persued by modern Hong Kong Cubs as well.


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Created: 4:20 PM 7/11/2004
Last updated: 4:20 PM 7/11/2004