Hong Kong Cub Scout Uniforms

Figure 1.--HBC is unsure about this image. It appears to be Cub pack, but some of the boys are wearing berets. Perhaps they are boys about to move up to Scouts. Notice all the kerchiefs are the same plaid that seems to be the standard Cub kercief.

The Hong Kong Cubs continue to wear the traditional English green peaked Cub cap with yellow piping. Hong Kong Cubs at the end of the 20th century were one of the few Scout associations to continue wearing the traditional Cub cap. The shirt is a light beige tan worn with olive short pants and dark green kneesocks. The standard Cub kerchief appears to be a red and blue plaid. Hong Kong Scouts do not appear to use the kerchief as a group identifier, but rather to reflect Scouting levels. This may in part because the yniforms of the different Scouting levels are so similar. Girls are allowed to participate in Hong Kong Cubs. This is a policy that is highly variable around te world. They wear a similar uniform to the boys, but with a different cap, culottes rather than short pants, and destinctive white kneesocks. Some images suggests that at least some of the girls in Cub units opt for the dark kneesocks like the boys wear.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: April 28, 2001
Last updated: April 28, 2001