New Zealand Sea Scouting: Destinctive Activities

Figure 1.--These Sea Scouts are learming how to handel a row boat. I think the boat would be called a whaler. Perhaps readers will know more. A reader tells us, "The boats were known as standards but names would vary from country to country in Ireland similar boats are call yawls for instance."

There are many destinctive features to the Sea Scout programme. Swimming skills are important, but of course swimming is also part of the regular Scout program. The most destinctive part of Sea Scouting is water activities which form a significant part of the program. Sea Scouting includes all kinds of boating activities meaning familiarity with many different kinds of boats. The New Zealand Sea Scouts use a 17 ft cutter as their principal boat Most Sea Scout groups own a number of boats. Mount Pleasant, for example, own two scout standard cutters, two Sunburst sailing dinghys (two man), four Optimist dinghys (one man) and eight kayaks. I think kayals in New Zealand means canoes. Sailiing is probably the most piopular boaring actibity, but the boys learn to handle all kinds of boats as part of the program. Boating safety is of coiurse an important part of the program. The various groups participate in annual regattas. The Auckland regatta is particularly important. In recent years, environmental activities have become an increasingly important part of the program. Some boys get involved in building boats.


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Created: 1:44 AM 1/12/2011
Last updated: 8:22 AM 1/13/2011