Austrian Scout Uniforms: Activities--Cubs

Figure 1.-- Here we see Austrian Cubs in 1993 on a Sumer camp hike near Leibnitz (a small town in Styria). NJotice that the Cubs still wear the traditional green peaked caps and green jumpers. Photograph courtesy of the Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Österreichs.

Cub activities are primarily home-based. We do not have a lot of information yet. As in other countries, Cub activities include games and crafts with trips to local attractions such as museums and zoos. We do notice some hiking, but more limited than those the Scouts go on. We also notice modern Cubs doing Summer camping. Here we see Austrian Cubs in 1993 on a Sumer camp hike near Leibnitz (a small town in Styria).


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Created: 4:25 PM 12/20/2004
Last updated: 4:25 PM 12/20/2004