Austrian Scout Uniforms: Levels-Cubs

Figure 1.--Here we see Austrian Cubs on an 1977 autumn hike during 1977. It looks a little chilly as many have jackets on. Note the green peaked caps with yellow piping and green jumpers. They also wear the red and white neckerchief worn by Austrain Cubs and Scouts. Photograph courtesy of the Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Österreichs.

Cubs in the 1930s wore the standard British peaked cap and jumper like the British Scouts. Most early Cub groups in various countries adopted the basic British Cub uniform. I'm not sure about the color, but would guess green., but the uniform was different than the British Cub uniform. Color images from the 1970s confirm that the Cubs wore green jumpers with green and yellow peaked caps as can be seen here (figure 1). Note there is no emblem on the Austrian Cub cap. Cubs in many countries had a badge at the front of the cap. Also notice the red and white neckerchiefs. This was the same neckerchief woirn by the Scouts. This same basic green uniform cap and jumper was worn into the 1990s. Cubs began wearing a new blue uniform in 1995,


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Created: 4:49 AM 12/20/2004
Last updated: 4:49 AM 12/20/2004