Russian Scout Units: Moscow Troop

Figure 1.--We note another Scout group near Moscow, but they have an entirely different uniform. This group promotes outdoor activities to toughen the boys. A Russian reader writes, "This Russian skautskogo troop is located near Moscow. The troop website shows some troop activities in 2004-05. They conduct Winter activities to toughen the boys up, including wearing the Summer uniform during the Winter."

We note another Scout group near Moscow, but they have an entirely different uniform. This group promotes outdoor activities to toughen the boys. A Russian reader writes, "This Russian skautskogo troop is located near Moscow. The troop website shows some troop activities in 2004-05. They conduct Winter activities to toughen the boys up, including wearing the Summer uniform during the Winter." I assume they are affiliated with the FSR, but have few details about the the importance of the national association at this time. The difference in uniforms suggests that there may be more than one Scout association in Russia. The boys wear royal blue shirts and matching short pants and kneesocks.


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Created: 4:43 AM 7/20/2005
Last updated: 4:43 AM 7/20/2005