National Gang Shows: Australia--Chronology

Figure 1.--This skit is from an Australian gang show, I'm not sure when it was produced, but it looks like the late 1960s.

I am not sure when the Gang Show was first produced in Australia. We do not have a lot of information at this time. We know a little bit about Melbourne. The Melbourne show has been performed continuously since 1952. The gang show image here looks like it was taken in the late 1960s, I'm not sure just where. Melbourne Scouts seem to have an especially active gang show program. There are a number of gang shows in Australia and there are at least four in Melbourne An Australian reader writes in 2004, "I am in the Melbourne Gang Show in Australia, here is some info! The Melbourne Gang Show was started in 1952. We celebrated our 50th year in 2002, and now are into the planning of our 53rd show."


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Created: 6:03 PM 7/15/2005
Last updated: 6:03 PM 7/15/2005