Fifth World Boy Scout Jamboree: Swiss Contingent (1937)

Figure 1.-- We note a group of Swiss Scouts at a railroad station waiting for a train to take them to the 5th World Boy Scout Jamboree in the Netherlands. They and many other Scouts would have had to pass through NAZI Grmany where Scouting had been banned. Even so they are traveling in their Scout uniforms.

We note a group of Swiss Scouts at a railroad station waiting for a train to take them to the 5th World Boy Scout Jamboree in the Netherlands. They and many other Scouts would have had to pass through NAZI Grmany where Scouting had been banned. Even so they are traveling in their Scout uniforms. Scenes like this occurred all ovr Europe as rail would have been the primary way that boys travelled to the Jamboree.


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Created: 5:40 PM 3/11/2008
Last updated: 5:40 PM 3/11/2008