German Youth Groups: Organizations--Deutscher Jugendclub (GYA)

Figure 1.--Here we see workers setting up the Deutscher Jugendclub (GYA) at the American Tempelhof Air Base, probably in 1947. Tempelhof had been the principal Berlin airport and the Americans converted it to an air base when they arrived in Berlin. The boys seem to be bringing toys for younger children to play with.

We note Deutscher Jugendclub at American military bases during the World war II occupation. This would translate as German Youth Association. All or most of the American bases had these clubs. We are not entirely sure who participated. They mad have been for the children of the German civilians working on the bases. We are not sure just when they were organized, but believe it was 1947. Conditions in German were still very difficult and there were not a lot of youth activities avialable. We know they were active in the 1950s. We are not entirely sure about the activities. They may have been more practical activiyies than recreation. We note girls involved in sewing and cooking. There were also handicrafts. Charity groups in America organized toy and clothing drives to be distributed through these centers. A 1949 press release from the group explained, German girls needed new interests because they "during Hitler's time, may have been 'even more susceptible to Nazi propaganda than were German boys. Uncertain as they are about their personal future as mothers and homemakers, German girls today need badly a varied program of interesting and democratic activities." [GYA, "GYA Girls ....] GYA groups seem to have been active in Berlin during the Berlin Airlift. Some groups met in the homes of American personnel.


GYA. " Girls Handicraft Contest" (April 19, 1949).


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Created: 6:07 AM 3/16/2009
Last updated: 6:07 AM 3/16/2009