Unidentified German Youth Groups: Figure 2--Wandervogel

Figure 1.--We have no information on this image except that it was German. It looks to us as if it was tken in the 1910s given the clothes thst the children are wearing. It may have been just a group of local youth. We suspect, however, that it may have been Wandervogel group. The Wandvogel was coeducational and was asociated with hikes and other activities in the countryside. Notice how high they are throwing the boy here in the blanket toss.

We have no information on this image except that it was German. It looks to us as if it was tken in the 1910s given the clothes thst the children are wearing. It may have been just a group of local youth. We suspect, however, that it may have been Wandervogel group. The Wandvogel was coeducational and was asociated with hikes and other activities in the countryside. There is no way to be sure, but it looks like the Wandervogel to us.


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Created: 5:51 AM 4/16/2005
Last updated: 1:34 AM 4/6/2006