* Greek EPON youth groups

Greek Youth Groups: The United Panhellenic Organization of Youth (EPON)

Figure 1.--Here we see an EPON grouos during the German World War II occupation of Greece. We are not sure what they are doing. There is a caption on yhe back, but as it is written in Greek we cannot read it. Click on the image to see it.

The United Panhellenic Organization of Youth (EPON -- Ενιαία Πανελλαδική Οργάνωση Νέων (ΕΠΟΝ)) was a Greek World War II resistance organization that was active during the Axis Occupation of Greece. At the time Europoean youth grouos were different than America's apolitical youth group. Many European political parties had youth auxileries. EPON was the youth wing of the National Liberation Front (EAM) organization--a left wing group heavvily influenced by the Communists. It was founded (February 23, 1943), nearly 2 years after the xis occuoation. It constituted the merger of 10 existing political and resistance youth organizations. Along with EAM and its other affiliates, EPON was ordered ton disove at the beginning of the Greek Civil War (1948) but continued to operate illegally until 1958.


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Created: 3:28 AM 8/18/2020
Last updated: 3:28 AM 8/18/2020