Uniforms of Boys' Youth Groups: Edelknaben Groups

Figure 1.--This is the Edelknabenkorps from the city of Kaarst. The Edelknabenkorps 1951 Kaarst is the most famous detachment of the various shooting clubs in Germany.

This German group was identified on television as Edelknaben. "Knaben" means "boys". So we know this is a boys' group. I do not know, however, what the rest of the name means or anything about this group. It may not be a group at all, but only boys dressed for a pagent. I notice a lot of other marching groups in the background in military uniforms. I don't, however, see any other boys' groups. These groups are also called Edelknabenkorps. A German reader tlls us that these youth groups belongs to special clubs. We have only limited information a this time. One reader tells us that yjese are junior detachments of shooting or markesmanship clubs. They appear to be all boys clubs. The clubs appear to be have a city name and I think the year founded. There is, for example, the Edelknabenkorps 1951 Kaarst which is the most famous detachment of a marksmanship club in Germany. Gun ownership in Germany a in most European countries is much more limited than in America. Even so, shooting is a popular sport despite the very strict regulations on gun ownership.


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Created: February 4, 2003
Last updated: February 4, 2003