Hitler Youth Activities: Farm Work

Figure 1.--Here we see some DJ noys helping on a farm during Wot;d War II. They are harvesting hay. I am not sure who the young women were. Unlike Boy Scout Cubs, women did not work with DJ boys.

Hitler Youth were also involved in farm work. Here we have only lmited information at this time. We believe that there was also farm work before the War, as the NAZIs attached great importance in establishing an attachment to the land. This became increasingly important as more and more men were drafted into the military during the War, more workers were needed. There seems to have been both informal efforts at the local level as well as more formal efforts organized by the HJ organization. We note accounts of HJ farm workers both living with farm families as well at HJ camps. A BDM girl has left a detailed account of farm work during the War. She was sent to a camp on a Baltic island and describes the strict discipline and grueling working conditions. Her mother managed to get her out of the camp. [????]


???. Mischling Second Class.


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Created: 9:17 PM 4/23/2009
Last updated: 9:17 PM 4/23/2009