Hitler Youth Shirts: Features--Epaulettes

Figure 1.--Here we see a HJ boy. Note the epaulette only on the right shoulder. It looks like one that has been added and not part of the original shirt.

Many of the shirts we have noted had epauletes, but not all. The epaulettets are the feature of the shirt that we are most confused with. We do not fully understand these differences at this time. A reader writes, "It is interesting to see some DJ boys with epauilettes on both sides. I know most DJs didn't hasve shirts with epaulettes. The DJ shirt I own only has an epaulette on the left." We notice some shirts with epaulettes only on the right. Here we wonder if some of the images have been reversed. Notice the boy here (figure 1). Notice the three stripes on his epaulettes. I'm not sure what that meant. The epaulettes on some shorts seem to be added on and not part of the basic shirt.


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Created: 1:12 AM 5/3/2005
Last updated: 1:12 AM 5/3/2005