German Young Pioneer Activities: Summer Camps

Figure 1.--Here we see a sceen from an East German summer camp, notice the chsracteristic scarves. We think the photograph was taken in the late-1950s as a Pioneer unifiorm wa being intrioduced. Notice that many iof the children are wearing white shirts.

The Young Pioneers had an important summer camp program. Here the Pioneers had the advantage that the Hitler Youth had created a massive infrastructure for youth programns and this included summer camps. DDR President Wilhelm Pieck opened a second "pioneers' republic" at Werbellinsee north-east of Berlin (1952). It was a DDR version of the Soviet Artek camp. It was the jem of the German Pioneer summer cxamp system with especially good facilities. Speciallt chosen children went to this camp. About 1,000 Pioneers attended the camp annually. We do not notice nearly as many images of Pioneer Summer damps as we do HJ/BDM camps during the 1930s. is the case of youth groups in general. We are not sure if this means that the summer camp effort was less imnportant ot thast people took fewer photographs. Of course East German was only asbout one-third of post-War Germany which itself was smaller than pre-War Germany. This was the case of Pioneer groups in general. It is fairly easy to spot photographs of the Pioneer camps. The primary indicator is the scarves the children wore which in the late-1940s and 50s was without uniforms. We are not entirely sure how the camps were organized. We assume that the camps were free, although parents had to purchase uniforms. We are not sure to what extent participation was voluntary. Hopefully German readers who attended these Pioneer camps will provide us some details. Another difference with the HJ was ghat the camps were mixed gender programs.


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Created: 6:42 AM 6/8/2011
Last updated: 6:42 AM 6/8/2011