Brazilian Boy Scout Uniforms: Scouting Types

Figure 1.--This photograph shows some Scout leaders and Scouts at camp in 1936. Note the boy wearing a sailor cap. Presumably he is a Sea Scout, although the rest of the uniform looks to be a standard Scout uniform. Fotografia do acampamento dos Escoteiros do Estado do Espírito Santo na Quinta da Boa Vista, registrada pelo Chefe Eduardo de Andrade e Silva. Na foto os chefes João F. Brito, Dr. Floriano de Paula, Hermínio Castelani, Salim Daniel e escoteiros capixabas.

Brazilian Scouts seem to hsave some of the same types of specialized Scouting that we have noted in other countries. In particular we have noted some boys wearing sailor caps. Presumably they are sailocaps, although the rest of the uniform looks to be standard Scout uniform.


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Created: 11:44 PM 12/26/2004
Last updated: 11:44 PM 12/26/2004