Argentine Scouting

Figure 1.--We do not have a lot of information on the Argentine Scout uniforms. The Scouts here, we think in the 1980s, at a troop ceremony wear berets, khaki shirts, and blue shorts. The boys here were in the Catholic USCA Scouts.

We believe that Argentina has a substantial Scouting movement, but have little information at this time. The largest Scouting organization in Latin America appears to be Argentina, although Brazil is a much larger country. We suspect the British influence in Argentina is a factor here. As far as we know Scouting is the only important uniformed youth group in Argentina. We have few details on Argentinde Scouting. There appears to be a separate Catholic Scouting association. The image here suggests considerable attention to the unidform. As with most groups, there a destincr Cub and Scout uniform. We are not sure if any other youth groups have been active in Argentina. There does appear to be a popular youth hostel movement in Argentina.


Scouts de Argentina (Scouts of Argentina) is the Argentine national Scouting association. Troops began to organize almost immediately after Baden-Powell founded Scouting in Britain (1907). We suspect the British influence in Argentina is a factor here. A Scout patrol of Anglo-Argentine students greeted Baden-Powell on his way to visit Chile (1908). INSA, the Argentine Scout association, was founded shortly after the publication of Baden Powell's "Scouting For Boys" in a Spanish edition (1912). INSA was granted a National Charter (1917). It was thus among the charter members of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (1922).


The largest Scouting organization in Latin America appears to be Argentina, although Brazil is a much larger country. Scouts de Argentina had over 38,000 members (2008).

Scouting Associations

There was, as in Britain, only one Scout association in Argentina (INSA) for many years. Catholic Scouts formed their own sparte association--USCA (1937). We are not sure why Catholic Scouts decided to form a separate association at this time. This was quite common in Europe. The two associations (INSA and USCA) decided to merge (1996). The combined association is called the Scouts of Argentina. There are also several small associations, including the Asociación Argentina de Scouts de Baden Powell (affiliated with the Baden-Powell Scouts and the World Federation of Independent Scouts) and the Sociedad Argentina de Boy Scouts Independientes (affiliated to the World Federation of Independent Scouts). There are also Scouts in exile groups. The Polish Scouts in exile has ceased operations since the fall of Communism, but the Russian Scouts in exile continue to operate.


We note Argentine Cubs and Scouts involved in the basic Scouting activities. The program level affects the activities pursued. Cubs enjoy a variety of games. Scouts enjoy activities like hiking and camping. The Catholic USCA placed a greater emphasis on religion. We have not been able to find much informtion about Scouting activities. The images we have found suggest a traditional program, but our information at this time is very limited. .


There are Guide association in Argentina. There is both a non-denominationl association, the Asociación Guías Argentinas. They are member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. There is also a Catholic Guide association--Asociación de Guías Argentinas Católicas. Some of the Cub groups seem to be coeducational. One Guide group indicated that they were coeducational. Most of the Scout and Guide associations, however, seem to be single gender programs.


Argentine Scouts have the standard Scout levels. These include: Lobatos/Cub Scout (ages 7 to 11), Scouts (ages 11 to 14), Caminantes (ages 14 to 17), and Rovers (ages 17 to 21). There is also a Scouts navales (Sea Scouts) program. We do not havev much information on the various programs atvthis time, but suspect it is similar to the standard Scouting programs around the world. We are not sure, but the Cubbing program appears to be coeducational. Caminantes I think means Hikers.

Oath and Motto

The Argentine Scout Motto is "Siempre Listo" (Always Prepared). The Argentine Scout emblem incorporates the blue and white color scheme of the Argentine flag. The Argentine Scout Oath is, " Yo [Scout's name], por mi honor y con la gracia de Dios, prometo hacer cuanto de mi dependa para cumplir mis deberes para con Dios, la patria, los demas y conmigo mismo, ayudar siempre al projimo y vivir la ley scout." (I [Scout's name], promise on my honor and with the grace of God to do all that I can do to fulfill my debts to God, my country, the others and against myself, to help always my fellow men and to live the Scout Law.


We do not have a lot of information on the Argentine Scout uniforms. The garments are the same Scout items worn round the world. We are just beginning to collect details at this time. We do not yet know how the Argentine Scout uniforms varied over time. We do not know to what extent the uniforms of the different Scout associations varied. The Catholic USCA Scouts here, we think in the 1980s, at a troop ceremony wear dark green berets, khaki shirts, and blue shorts (figure 1). We note photographs of Catholic USCA Cubs wearing green shirts or sweaters and blue shorts. Scout groups have varied in their attention to the unifirm. Uniform standards seem fairly strong through the 1970s, but begn to decline in the 1980s.


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Created: 2:56 AM 2/26/2009
Last updated: 2:56 AM 2/26/2009