Belgian Scouting: Chronology--Inter-War Years (1919-40)

Figure 1.--Here we see a group of Catholic Scouts parading in 1934. The snapshot is dated, but not identified. We do notvknow where it was taken. We think that they are Belgian, but they could be French.

Unlike the pattern setin Briain of one single national Scout association, Belgiasns organized additional associations alongvregional and ethnic/linguistic lines. The GGB as a result of the suspions of the German occupiers was not founded until after the War (1919). The GGB also used British badges, rules and uniforms. The GGB was created as a non-denominational movement for girls. HBU doescnot have a lot of information on the inter-War era. believes the Scouts were the most popular boys' youth group during the inter-war years. Two additional associations were of some importasnce. The three principal Scout associations during the inter-war period were: Boy Scouts de Belgique (BSB), Federation des Scouts Catholiques (BCS), and Vlaamsch Verbond der Katholieke Scouts (VVKS). Lord Baden Powell visited Belgium and met with Belgian Scouts (1922). He also was received by Cardinal Mercier and King Albert. He was awarded the Legion of Honour (Commander). He visited Belgium and France again (1929). The Royal Family strongly supported the Scout and Guide movements. King Leopold III was a strong proponent of Scouting. I do not know if he was a Scout himself. Prince Baudouin in 1937 became old enough to join the Cubs and was very enthusiastic about it. European royal children had once been kept separate from commoners, but in the 20th century this had begun to change. King Leopold decided to create a special Cub Scout pack for his son.


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Created: 6:15 AM 11/25/2010
Last updated: 6:15 AM 11/25/2010