Belgian Scouting: Levels--Welpen

Figure 1.--We believe these boys are Belgian Welpen (Cubs), probably photographed in the 1980s. We are not sure which association of the different assoiciatiions this was. These biys have a blue uniform. Other Belgian Welpen had green unifoirms like Brutish Cubs. .

The first Belgian Scout units formed were the Boy Scouts. This was Naden Powell's concept in Britain. The thing is that younger boys want to join up as well, especially yonger brothers. The first Cub groups were formed in in Britain (1916). European Scouts Associations qyuickly followed suit. We are not sure yet with the Nelgian Scout associations added Cub groups, but we think it was very quickly after the British Scouts founded the Cub program. Belgium was occupied by the Germans at the time so it would have been after the War and the first Allied liberation pf Belgium. Cubs are usually boys ages 8 to 11-12 Years old. French speaking Cubs are commonly called Louveteaux and Jeannette for the girls. The Belgian Cubs were called Welpen. They were boys 7-11 years old. Cubbing became a very popular oart of the Scouting movement in the inter-War era. Uniforms varied. We see some Belgian Cubs wearing blue uniforms. We also see green nuniforms like the British Cubs. This represents te different uniform of the various associations.


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Created: 3:58 AM 11/1/2019
Last updated: 3:58 AM 11/1/2019