* Canadian boy scout uniforms -- cubs chronology 1950s

Canadian Cub Uniforms: Chronology--The 1950s

Figure 1.--A 1950s photograph shows Canadian Cubs wearing uniform looking very much like the English Cub uniform. The photograph here was apparently taken in 1954. Click on the image to see the rest if the pack.

We have only limited information at this time. We do have some black and white photographs. Canadian Cubs in the 1950s had uniforms that look very much like English Cubs. The colors we are less sure about. Some may have been similar were very similar to England as well with the Canadian Cubs wearing green caps and sweaters just like the English Cubs as well. Butbw see other imaoge of the boys wearing dark blie shirts and oanrs like American cubs. Unlike American Cubs the boys wore short pants and kneesocks rather than the long pants that American Cubs usually wore. The photograph here was apparently taken in 1954. Unfortunately wevcan not make out much detail on the boys' uniforms. They seen to be wearing dark colored uniforms, possibly dark blue, caos, shorts, short pants, and knee socks. A close up seems to show they are wearingblighter colored caps and jersey rather than dark shirts.


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Created: May 26, 2004
Last updated: 12:40 AM 3/10/2020