* Canadian boy scout uniforms -- cubs chronology 1980s

Canadian Cub Uniforms: Chronology--The 1980s

Figure 1.--A 1980s photograph shows Canadian Cubs wearing a destinctive uniform of light blue shirts and dark blue short pants worn with grey kneesocks that had dark bands. The longish hair cuts and the maple leaf flag help to date the image.

A 1980s photograph shows Canadian Cubs wearing a destinctive uniform of light blue shirts and dark blue short pants worn with grey kneesocks that had dark bands (figure 1). One boy had a slid colored sock. While the uniform no longer looks like the traditional English Cun uniform, the boys stil wear the traditional English Cub cap. The boys wear variety of footwear including snearers. One photograph shows boys wering red neckerchiefs, but we do not know how common this was. We also notice large silver-colored belt buckles and black leather belts. The belts had a matching leather pouch. I'm not sure what the boys kept in them.


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Created: June 18, 2003
Last updated: June 18, 2003