Canadian Scouts: Boy Scouts

Figure 1.-- One of our readers sent this picture of himself at Expo 67 (Montreal) with his Canadian Boy Scout hosts. The Canadian Boy Scouts are wearing green shirts with navy blue trousers and blue berets. Their troop was sponsored by The 1st Rosemary Church who's social hall served as a place to sleep for the visiting Amerian Boy Scouts. The American and Candian Boy Scouts were considered employees of Expo 67, and had free access to the Expo and the International Scout Pavilion.

The Scouts were the origibal Scouting prigram designed by Baden Powel and first developed in Britain abd Canada. The several other leveks now opwrating were subsequnt develoopments. The Canadian Boy Scout program is designed for boys aged 11-14. The Boys transution from the Cub program to couting. Some boys remain in the oprogram to age 16 although there are separate programs for the older teens. Commonly soosiing organizatiions have noth Cun packs and a Scout troop. As the boys are older, the program is less home based and there are more outdoor activities. The progam is based on outdoor and environmental activities, citizenship and community service, leadership and personal development. Activites include outdoor high adventure, boating, leading camping, and hiking events. Scouts get out, camp extensively, perform service projects for the community, do challenging activities such as rock climbing, mountain biking and scuba diving. The boys participate in youth forums at the province and national levels. The original Canadian Boy Scout Uniform closely followed the English uniform with green shirt, blue shorts, knee socks, neckerchief with the classic "lemon squeezer" campaign hat. In the 1960s the campaign hat was replace with the blue beret, and long pants were allowed as in Figure-1. The green shirt uniform was replaced with the kaki shirt uniform. Currently, the uniform has reverted to a green shirt with "recommended" youth tan long pants, neckerchief, and no hat.


The Scouts were the origibal Scouting prigram designed by Baden Powel and first developed in Britain abd Canada. All the ininital adopted just began with the Scouts although Cubbing followed shortly in Canada and several other countries. Here America was an exception. The several other leveks now opwrating were subsequnt develoopments. The Canadian Boy Scout program is designed for boys aged 11-14. The Boys transution from the Cub program to couting. Some boys remain in the oprogram to age 16 although there are separate programs for the older teens. Commonly soosiing organizatiions have noth Cun packs and a Scout troop. As the boys are older, the program is less home based and there are more outdoor activities. The progam is based on outdoor and environmental activities, citizenship and community service, leadership and personal development. Activites include outdoor high adventure, boating, leading camping, and hiking events. Scouts get out, camp extensively, perform service projects for the community, do challenging activities such as rock climbing, mountain biking and scuba diving. The boys participate in youth forums at the province and national levels.


Scouts Canada is the Canadian Scouting association. Scouts Canada, in affiliation with the French-language Association des Scouts du Canada, and is a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM). Scouts Canada today offers programs for young people, both boys and girls, ages 5 to 26 across Canada. The 2011 annual membership figure was over 0.1 million youth and volunteers (2011). It is thus the largest youth group in Canada. The stated aim is "to help develop well rounded youth, better prepared for success in the world."

Pomise, Law, and Motto

Scout Promise

On my honour

I promise that I will do my best

To do my duty to God and the Queen

To help other people at all times,

And to carry out the spirit of the Scout Law.

Scout Law

A Scout is helpful and trustworthy,

kind and cheerful,

considerate and clean,

wise in the use of all resources.

Scout Motto

Be Prepared.

Figure 2.-- Since 1967 was the centennial year of Canada as a nation, all Canadian scouts were allowed to wear this patch. One of our readers still has the patch he traded for with a Canatian Boy Scout.


The original Canadian Boy Scout Uniform closely followed the English uniform with green shirt, blue shorts, knee socks, neckerchief with the classic "lemon squeezer" campaign hat. In the 1960s the campaign hat was replace with the blue beret, and long pants were allowed as in Figure-1. The green shirt uniform was replaced with the kaki shirt uniform. Currently, the uniform has reverted to a green shirt with "recommended" youth tan long pants, neckerchief, and no hat.


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Created: 12:28 AM 11/5/2013
Last update: 1:06 AM 11/9/2013