English Boy Scout Activities: Unknown Activities

Figure 1.-- Here we see a Scout patrol at Farnham in the 1930s. They are engaged in an activity as part of a patrol meeting. We have no idea just what is going on they seem to be responding to signals from the adult patrol leader. He seems to have a harmomica. One boy is not participating for some reason. And we have no idea what the boy in the center is holding. There was business to be dealt with during patrol meetungs, but there were also age appropriate activities like this to make the meetings interesting for the boys. English Scouts tended to give considerable attention to uniform. Note the boys here even have identicl activity footwear, white sneakers of some sort. Put your cursor on the imge to see the rest of the activity.

We have found photographs of numerous English Scout avtivities. It is usually possible to figure out what the boys are doing from the photographs. Some of the activities depicted, however, are not so easy to understand just what the boys are doing. Hopefully some of our English readers can throw some light on just what the boys are up to in the photographs.

Figure 1

Here we see a Scout patrol at Farnham in the 1930s. They are engaged in an activity as part of a patrol meeting. We have no idea just what is going on they seem to be responding to signals from the adult patrol leader. He seems to have a harmomica. One boy is not participating for some reason. And we have no idea what the boy in the center is holding. There was business to be dealt with during patrol meetungs, but there were also age appropriate activities like this to make the meetings interesting for the boys. English Scouts tended to give considerable attention to uniform. Note the boys here even have identicl activity footwear, white sneakers of some sort.


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Created: 5:58 AM 10/11/2017
Last updated: 5:58 AM 10/11/2017