English Wolf Cubs: Specific Activities--Bikeing

Figure 1.-- We do not know much about early Cub bike programs. We do know that boys did not wear helmets util relatively recently. Cubs of course wore their caps. Cub bike activities now always show the boys wearing helmets--adult leaders insist for saftey reasons.

Cub programs often include biking and bike saftey. Many Cubs did nit have bikes in the early years, but after World War II, bikes became much more common. We are not sure when bike activities first appeared. Cubbing like Scouting is flexible and program activities are added or deleted depending on the interests and needs of the boys. Thus as more Cubs had bikes, biking was an obvious activity choice. We do not know much about early Cub bike programs. We do know that boys did not wear helmets util relatively recently. Cubs of course wore their caps. Cub bike activities now always show the boys wearing helmets--adult leaders insist for saftey reasons. Racing bikes in the 1980s were all the rage with British Cubs. Now mountain bikes are all the rage as well as other sporty looking bikes.


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Created: 1:02 AM 9/7/2005
Last updated: 1:02 AM 9/7/2005