English Wolf Cubs: Specific Activities--Projects

Figure 1.--Cubs and other Scouts participate in many parades and public events. The most important each year is the annual St. George's Day Scout parade. St. George is the patron saint of England and thus his day is very importabt to English Scouting. Usually the Cubs parade with other levels, including Rovers, scouts, and Beavers. The photograph here shows the Beavers with the Cubs.

Cubs and other Scouts participate in many parades and public events. The most important each year is the annual St. George's Day Scout parade. St. George is the patron saint of England and thus his day is very importabt to English Scouting. Other events depend on the the particular unit, the community, the sponsoring organization and a variety of other factors. Usually the Cubs parade with other levels, including Rovers, scouts, and Beavers. The photograph here shows the Beavers with the Cubs (figure 1). British Cubs comminly parade in the full uniform. The uniform is more important in Britain than most other European countries. Emphasis on the uniform does, however, differ from unit to unit.


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Created: November 25, 2003
Last updated: November 25, 2003