English Wolf Cub Garments: Jersey

Figure 1.-- Some Cubs began wearing sweatshirts in the 1980s. These green sweatshirts are now the standard. Green sweaters are no longer worn.

English Cubs have worn a variety of jersies or sweaters. There has never been a Cub shirt. Rather these jersies are worn over a non uniform short. We have note Cubs wearing dark blue, khaki, green or grey jerseys, but the standard is a green jersey. The Cubs wear the sleeves down or rolled up at the discretion of the Cubmaster, but mostly they are worn down. Many early Cubs wore a navy blue jersey (sweater) made of heavy wool. Merit badges and unit badges are sewn on the jersies. Grey jerseys were also worn, but green became more popular over the years. I'm not sure why green emerged as the Cub color. Perhaps because it shows the dirt less. It also matched the cap. Perhap it was more in keeping with the green of the jungle and of course Cubbing was belt around Kipling's jungle lore. Some Cubs began wearing sweatshirts in the 1980s. These green sweatshirts are now the standard. Green sweaters are no longer worn.


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Created: April 29, 2004
Last updated: April 29, 2004