French Boy Scouts: Activities--Expositions

Figure 1.--Here we see French Scouts who look to be involved in an exposition during 1934. I'm not sure what the sign says, but it looks to bewe a card trick.

We notice events which we would call Expos (short for expositions) in the United States. I'm not sure what they would be called in France. These are events where Cubs and Scouts troops set up booths. Many provide a look at different Scout activities. Others may be entertainments of various sorts, including both games and physical activities. This can be events of different size. It might be done at the local Pack and Troop level or larger groups. In America Councils also sponsor expos. I'm less sure about the arrangements in France. The events can both help to publicize Scouting and attracting new members, but also earn some funds for the group.


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Created: 9:23 PM 8/3/2007
Last updated: 9:23 PM 8/3/2007