Hong Kong Scout Garments: Neckerchiefs

Figure 1.--These Cubs and Scouts belong to the same group. Note their destinctive neckerchiefs. The person in the middle is a girl. I'm not sure if she is a Cub or Scout.

The kneckerchief is worn by all Scout groups and is a group identifier. We are not sure just when Hong Kong Scouts began wearing neckerchiefs as group identifiers. Each of the differet Hing Kong scout Groups have their own destinctive neckerchief. All the different level Scouts in a given group wear the same neckerchief. We note a range of different colors. Most seem to be solid colors. The Cubs here wear purple neckerchiefs. We note a Catholic group with white and yellow neckerchiefs. One group has a purple neckerchief with red and yellow stripes.


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Created: November 27, 2003
Last updated: November 27, 2003