Hong Kong Scout Garments: Pants

Figure 1.--The Cubs and Scouts wear the same green short pants. There may be some difference here. all the Cubs appear to wear short pants. The Scouts mostly wears short pants, like these Scouts in 2000.

The Cubs and Scouts wear the same green short pants. There may be some difference here. all the Cubs appear to wear short pants. The Scouts mostly wears short pants, but we have seen some wearing long pants as well. Some Groups appear to be more flexible than others. Most photographs we have noted show the bous wearing shorts, but we do not know the precise uniform rules. We are unsure if there are any activity or seasonal patterns involved here. The Venture Scouts wear long pants. There also appears to be differences n color. Some boys wear light green shorts while ohers wear bright green shorts.


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Created: November 25, 2003
Last updated: November 25, 2003