National Boy Scout Uniforms: Unknown Images (Perhaps Estonian)

Figure 1.-- A HBU reader believes it may be Estonia. This woulkd make sence. Estonia was a largely Lutheran country and I think that cropped hair was more common in the Baltics than it was in Germany during the 1930s.

Here we see what looks to be Boy Scouts and girl guides attending a funeral. Presumably it is a funeral for a Scout in their troop or perhaps an adult leader. Based on the uniforms, especially the girls' uniforms, we are fairly certain the children here are a Scout and Guide group. We are not sure about the country. We thought the cleric at the right looked like a German Lutheran pastor. We are not sure about this. Perhaps our readers will know more about this. One difficult here is that the photograph is dated 1934 on the back. This would seem to rule out Germany, because the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides were banned in Germany after Hitler and the NAZIs seized power. The fact that the mourners are so well uniformed makes it unlikely to be Germany, at least in 1934. One curious fact is the number of boys with close cropped hair. This was still common in Germany during the early 1920s, but less so by the 1930s. A HBU reader believes it may be Estonia. This woulkd make sence. Estonia was a largely Lutheran country and I think that cropped hair was more common in the Baltics than it was in Germany during the 1930s.


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Created: 5:36 AM 5/24/2006
Last updated: 8:28 PM 5/25/2006