United States Boy Scouts: Early New Jersey Scout Group (1900s)

Figure 1.-- While the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) was not founded until 1910, there seemed to have been groups of boys who began to participate in scouting activities well before this, perhaps as early as the 1890s, certainly by the 1900s. Here we see New Jersey boys on a camping adventure. It looks about the turn of the 20th century, although the photograph is undated. Anote on the back reads, "The scout movement has grown - until many boys have an opportunity for a week or more in the open."

While the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) was not founded until 1910, there seemed to have been groups of boys who began to participate in scouting activities well before this, perhaps as early as the 1890s, certainly by the 1900s. They do not appear to have been organized groups, aleast on a national basis. Not did they have destinctive uniforms. But with adult superviion there was hiking and camping in the woods and a activities like swimming and boating. We do not have a lot of information on this. It was done on a private basis and there was no national organization. It occurred along with the American summer camp movement. Some of these groups seem to have used the term scouting, apparently before it was appropriated by Baden Powell in Britain. We note two old photos mounted on black boards depicting a group of boys and several adults involved in "scouting". The group is camping in a forest near a lake. The photographs are undated, but look to be taken around the turn of the 20th century. Note the formal attire of white shirts and ties not only worn by the adult men, but also by most of the boys as well. This suggests to us that it is begfore the 1910s and the advent of the BSA. The boys wear knickers which suggests to us that it is after the turn of the century, perhaps about 1905. Most wear black long stockings, but we also see black knit tank and trunks swimming outfit. Each mounted photograph has pencil notations on the back indicating these were taken around Bridgeton, NJ and that the scenes of are of boys in the "Scout Movement". I don't know if these are actually organized Boy Scouts or if they might pre-date an organized group in the South Jersey area. The visuals are simply wonderful. Note the very large and tall canvas tents, the American flag between the trees, and the older woman sitting just at the left edge of the photo formally dressed in long full white skirt and blouse with large hat. The other photo is just as interesting with all the dining plates and glasses set out on the long tables, as well as a fire that has been laid presumably to roast the ears of corn that can be seen nearby. The Note for the first image reads "The scout movement has grown - until many boys have an opportunity for a week or more in the open." Note for second image reads "Learning from the universal book of nature." Both images also have noted, "Return to Cora Sheppard, Shiloh NJ". The woman pictured in the first photo may in fact be Ms. Sheppard. As an aside, I found through Google that there is a scout camp (administered today by the Girl Scouts) in Bridgeton NJ named Camp Sheppards Mill. I believe there may be a connection between these early photos and this present-day camp, almost 100 years later!


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Created: 4:20 AM 9/26/2007
Last updated: 4:20 AM 9/26/2007