United States Cub Scout Pinewood Derby Races: Younger Boys

Figure 1.--Tiger Scouts had not yet been formed in the 1960s. Even so, the younger Cub Scouts at this Pack had a smaller race track, but got the full attention of their Den Chief. He was also a Patrol Leader in his troop. Note the two "green bars" on his shirt sleeve.

The difference between the younger and older Cubs resukts in a substantial difference in ability and maturity. Cre has to be taken to address the needs of all the vrious age groups. Packs commonly had the younger boys compete separately. This approach gave the younger boys a better chance of competing successfully. The separate races for the younger Cubs were formalized when the Tiger Cub progam was ininiated. Tigers (first grade boys) compete separately. A smaller track is used for the younger Tiger Cubs. THeir races are accorded all the importance of the older Cubs.


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Created: 4:39 AM 1/21/2008
Last updated: 4:39 AM 1/21/2008