Irish Boy Scout Uniform Garments: Headwear--Berets

Figure 1.--Irish Catholic Scouts wear a light-blue beret. The Cubs, however, contnue to wear the traditional peaked cap. We are mot sure when this photograph was tken, but it looks like the 1980s.

Irish Catholic Scouts wear light blue berets. We see the boys wearing blue shirts and blusish-green berets. I'm not sure about other Irish Scouts. Some of the boys berets appear large and floppy. We are not sure just when the Irish Scouts adopted the beret as part of their uniform, but suspect it was the probably the 1960s. It is likely that they were influenced by the British Scout assiociation adopting the beret. We are not yet sure about other Irish Scout associations. Irish Cubs continue to wear the traditional peaked cap.


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Created: 2:21 AM 11/17/2010
Last updated: 2:21 AM 11/17/2010