Actual Edelknaben Groups Uniforms: Medals

Figure 1.--These are some of the various shooting medals for which the Edelknaben boys compete. Note the red and white ribbons.

The boys were awarded medals for their markmanship. Here there were competitions within the group and with other clubs. Some boys have uniforms covered with medals. The boy receicing the most medals was designated king. Most of the medals had red and white sashes as was used for sashes and plumes on the uniform. I'm not sure what the colors signify. There was quite a range of different types of these medals.


The boys were awarded medals for their markmanship. Here there were competitions within the group and with other clubs.


Some boys have uniforms covered with medals. The shooting competitions are heald every spring. The boy who wins is called the Edelknabenkoenig ( this means king ). The edelknabenkoenig has two assistants. They are choosed by the edelknabenkoenig himself.


Most of the medals had red and white sashes as was used for sashes and plumes on the uniform. I'm not sure what the colors signify.

Medal Types

There was quite a range of different types of these medals.


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Created: February 7, 2003
Last updated: February 7, 2003