Hitler Youth Camping: Activities--Camp Fires

Figure 1.--This image from a HJ camp about (probably taken about 1939-40) are partixipating in a popular camp fire ritual. They are jumping over the campfire to prove their courage and toughness. They look to be teenagers about 13=15 years old. They wear the standard Hitler Jugend uniform--brown shirts with neckerchiefs (note the HJ arm bands), belts with military-style brass buckles and diagonal leather straps across the chest, knee socks, and low-cut shoes. Note the bags attached to their belts.

Many HJ camped in tents around camp fires. Camp fire ceremonies were especially important in the Hitler Youth. Torch light parades were a favorite of the NAZIs and this fascination with fire carried over into the Hitler Youth. Of cour camp fire stories, singing, and skits were popular with Scouts and other youth groups. No other youth group, however, developed fire side pajents like the Hitler Youth. Many were pajents based on Teutonic legends. There were mock burrials of warriors killed in battle. We note tests of verility such as boys jumping over a fire to prove their courage and toughness. Many camp photographs show the boys casually dressed for strenuous activities, often taking off their shirts. For these fire side rituals, the boys look to be much more formally dressed. The boys here jumping over the camp fire look to be teenagers about 13=15 years old (figure 1). They wear the standard Hitler Jugend uniform--brown shirts with neckerchiefs (note the HJ arm bands), belts with military-style brass buckles and diagonal leather straps across the chest, knee socks, and low-cut shoes. One source reports the ritual was part of a celebration of the summer soltice, presumably done as a Teutonic ritual.


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Created: February 16, 2004
Last updated: February 16, 2004