Hitler Youth Camping: Activities

Figure 1.--DJ boys were not always in military formations. Note the DJ youth leader at right has a triangualr shoulder patch and oval lighting bolt patch. Most of the other biys look very new because they do not yet have any sleeve patches. This photograph was taken in 1934. Image courtest of the MD collection.

Hitler Youth boys engaged in a wide range of activities at their summer camps. Many of the activities were standard summer camp fare. Some were more destinctivevto the Hitler Youth. One of the most popular activities was of course wilderness camping. Many HJ camped in tents around camp fires. There was a wide range of other activities such as would be found in other summer camps, including athletics, boating, camp fire ceremonies, canoeing, hiking, singing, swimming, wide games, and other activities. I assume activities like archery, arts and crafts, skirs, and other summer camp staples were also involved, but have only limited information at this time. Along with these activities which were fairly standard at summer camps around the world, were a condiderable amount of time devoted to drill. Younger boys wre taught the correct way of making the NAZI salute and to hold it for extended periods. The wide games were popular, but often much rougher than was normal in other youth movements like Scouting. The boys were incouraged to fight to toughen them up. Older boys might do actual fire arms training. There were also specialized programs such as for the units such as the Marine or Air Divisions. Boys also received training for the Drum and Buggle Corps.Some were virtual full scale fights between groups of campers. There was also various levels of para-military trainingm, depending on the ages of the boys. There were exercizes of a militay natue such as laying communications cable. The specialized HJ divisions such as the Fleger-HJ and the Marine-HJ had special facilties to focus on their specialized activity program. HBU does not yet have any actual accounts from any of the boys about there summer camp activities, but we eventually hope to acquire such accounts. Most of our assessment of activities at this time is based on a analysis of available photographic images.

Sponsored Activities

We note a wide range of sponsored activities at Hitler Youth camps. These were programs that were part of the offical HJ camp program. We have begun to compile information on these activities. Facilities at camps varied, so not all camps had identical programs. We believe, however, that there were many core aspects of the activities at HJ camps.


We believe HJ did archery at camp , but can not yet confirm this.

Arts and Crafts

Arts and crafts is a major component of summer camp activity in camps around the world. We do not have any indication, however, that it was important at HJ camps.


Athletics are commonly pursued at summer camp and they were very important at HJ camps. These and other physical fitness activities were stressed by the HJ.


Many HJ camps were located on lakes and rivers and a few along the Baltic coast or on offshore islands. As a result boating and canoeing were popular activities.

Camp Fires

Many HJ camped in tents around camp fires. Camp fire ceremonies were especially important in the Hitler Youth. Torch light parades were a favorite of the NAZIs and this fascination with fire carried over into the Hitler Youth. Of cour camp fire stories, singing, and skits were popular with Scouts and other youth groups. No other youth group, however, developed fire side pajents like the Hitler Youth. Many were pajents based on Teutonic legends. There were mock burrials of warriors killed in battle. We note tests of verility such as boys jumping over a fire to prove their courage and toughness. Many camp photographs show the boys casually dressed for strenuous activities, often taking off their shirts. For these fire side rituals, the boys look to be much more formally dressed.


A popular activity for Scouts was campfire cooking. A lot of photographs of Scouts show them preparing meals around a camp fire. We have not note anything of this kind with the HJ. We wonder if we have just not seen such imahes or if cooking was not a suject HJ photographers focused on. Or perhaps the HJ program did not want the boys spending their time cooking which after all was seen as an activity for girls and women. Perhaps the meals were provided from central kitches in mess hall style. Hopefully HBU readers can provide some insights here.


Youth groups varied on attention to drill. This was a major component of the Boys' Brigade. It was also important to the British Boy Scouts, but less so American Scours. It was an activity of some importance to the HJ. The HJ gave a condiderable amount of time and attention to drill. Younger boys wre taught the correct way of making the NAZI salute and to hold it for extended periods.


Ideological indoctrination


Boys also received training for the Drum and Buggle Corps.

Paramilitary Training

There was also various levels of para-military trainingm, depending on the ages of the boys. There were exercizes of a militay natue such as laying communications cable. W do not know if there was actual fire arms training.



Skiits were a staple at Boy Scout camps. We do not know if they were done at HJ camps.

Specialized Activitirs

There were also specialized programs such as for the units such as the Marine or Air Divisions. The specialized HJ divisions such as the Fleger-HJ and the Marine-HJ had special facilties to focus on their specialized activity program.


Wide Games

The wide games were popular, but often much rougher than was normal in other youth movements like Scouting. The boys were incouraged to fight to toughen them up. Some were virtual full scale fights between groups of campers.

Wilderness Camping

One of the most popular activities for Scouting was wilderness camping. We do not know if HJ boys did wilderness camping. There are less aeas of wilderness in Germany than a country like America. Also as far as we can tell, HJ activities were generally large-scalevorganized group activities and not small group wilderness camping.

Lesisure Activities

Not all of the activities at Hitler Youth camps were programmed. There was some free time. Presumably the weather forced some activities to be cancelled. There was also time between various activities. We do not have a lot of information showing what boys did during their free time. Nor do we know to what extent the HJ authorities regulated what the boys did during their free time. Although it may sound strange knowing what we know about the NAZIs, the NAZI Hitler Youth progrtam had very moralistic, if not pridish standards. We are not sure just how strictly these standards were inforced at camp. We suspect this may have varied substantially depending on the individuals in charge.


A reader writes about the image here, "The image on this page is striking for the lack of uniformity in hosiery and shoes among these boys. All of the other uniform parts look the same." This is of course a rather candid shot. Turn a group of boys loose a this age and they are going to have a picture perfect turn out. It is likely that paet of the camp routein was to teach the boys to be more careful about their uniform. At home mothers probably helped boys this age with their uniform. Unlike the shirt and pants,there was not a standardized HJ shoe. We note, however, few HJ or even DJ boys wearing sandals or strap shoes like one of the boys here. We are not sure how this worked, but we believed the boys were encouraged to wear shoes or boots.


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Created: August 21, 2002
Last updated: 1:57 AM 11/26/2004