Various Belgian Scout Groups: Scouts Jan Breyde

Figure 1.-- Here we see an early photograpg of the Scouts Jan Breyde. I'm not sure when the photograph was taken, probably about 1950.

One Scout group we notice is the Scouts Jan Breyde. We know very little about the group at this time. The group was apparently founded after World War II in 1947. At the time, Scouting which had been banned by the NAZI occuparion authorities (1940-44) was reorganizing in Belgium. The group was founded in Flanders. We note some early photographs of the grouo, apparently from the 1950s. It difficult to make out many details of the uniform. We notice some variation in uniforms worn by modern members of the group. Some images show the Scouts wearing grey shirts with brown shorts with grey kneesocks that had blue and green bands at the top. The impage here shows a Scout with a burgandy sweater or sweatshirt. Perhaps our Belgian readers will be able to tell us more. We do know that the group had both Cubs and Scouts.

Group Details

We have virtually no information about the group at this time. The group is named after a Flemish national hero. Jan Breydel was a Flemish commander in the Battle of the Golden Spurs near Kortrijk (Fr. Courtroi) in the year 1302 against the French. It was a notable victory in military history because it was the first time that infantry was able to defeat heavy medievalcavalry.


The group was apparently founded after World War II in 1947. Scouting had been the major Belgian youth group before World war II. Scouting which had been banned by the NAZI occuparion authorities (1940-44) had to reorganize in Belgium following the War. We note one image obviously taken just after the War as well as others during the early period, probably the 1950s. We do not have a detailed chronology of the group, but know that they are still active in the 2000s.


The group was founded in Flanders.


The group has the different levels of Scouts. The group had Cubs, Scouts, and Venture Scouts. The different levels are known as: Welpen (Cubs), Jonge Verkenners (Scouts), and Verkenners (Venture Scouts). The Cubs wear traditional uniforms rather like thise of English Cubs. The Scouts seems to have worn different uniforms over time.


We notice the Scouts Jan Breyde involved in tradition Scouting activities such as hiking and camping. We notice the Jonge Verkenners on a bike outing.


We note some early photographs of the grouo, apparently from the 1950s. It difficult to make out many details of the uniform. We notice some variation in uniforms worn by modern members of the group. Some images show the Scouts wearing grey shirts with brown shorts with grey kneesocks that had blue and green bands at the top. The impage here shows a Scout with a burgandy sweater or sweatshirt.


The Scouts Jan Breyde have a useful website. I could find any background information about the group, but there is an interesting collection of photographs.


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Created: 12:38 AM 9/8/2005
Last updated: 12:38 AM 9/8/2005