Various Belgian Scout Groups: Scouts Jan Breyde Chronology

Figure 1.-- his photographs looks like a group of the Scouts taken right after Workd War II. The boys seem to have all kinds of military items from the War..

The Scouts Jan Breyde group was apparently founded after World War II in 1947. Scouting had been the major Belgian youth group before World war II. Scouting which had been banned by the NAZI occuparion authorities (1940-44) had to reorganize in Belgium following the War. We note one image obviously taken just after the War as well as others during the early period, probably the 1950s. We do not have a detailed chronology of the group, but know that they are still active in the 2000s.


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Created: 1:18 AM 9/8/2005
Last updated: 1:18 AM 9/8/2005