Various Belgian Scout Groups: Scouts Saint Benoît FCS

Figure 1.-- Here we see Cubs and Scouts from the 25th Unité Saint Benoît FCS playing an outdoor game in October 2000.

Here we notice the 25th Unité Saint Benoît FCS. We are not yet able to place them within the organizational structure of Belgian Scouting. Thet are a French speeking group, but apparently located in the Flemish area of Belgium (Etterbeek). The name suggests that they are Catholic Scouts. The Cubs describe their uniform as, "Pull vert louveteau, short en velours bleu marine, chaussettes grises, bottines, foulard aux couleurs de l'Unité (rouge bord vert). Le louveteau peut porter la casquette louveteau s'il le souhaite. Pour les insignes et les badges, le côté droit de l'uniforme représente l'appartenance, tandis que le côté gauche la progression personnelle." This means a traditional uniform of peaked cap, green pull-over sweater, blue cord shorts, and grey socks. The Scouts describe their uniform as: "Chemise bleu cobalt scout, short en velours bleu marine, chaussettes grises, bottines, foulard aux couleurs de l'Unité (rouge bord vert). L'éclaireur peut porter le chapeau scout et le ceinturon scout s'il le souhaite. Pour les insignes et les badges, le côté droit de l'uniforme représente l'appartenance, tandis que le côté gauche la progression personnelle." This means that they wear the old Baden Powell lemon squeezer hat, a bright blue shirt, blue cord shorts, and grey socks. There is quite a bit of information on the group website. Perhaps a French reader can tell us more.


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Created: 4:30 AM 9/29/20055
Last updated: 4:30 AM 9/29/2005