FSE Explorers a Canadian: Uniforms--Badges

Figure 1.-- Here we see two FSE Timber Wolves on a Nobember retreat. You can see the various location, rank, and Timber Wolf badges. The badges show that these boys are from an Ontario Troop. Note the red Tomber Wolf badge. Put your cursor on the image to see a brand new Timber Wolf without any badges yet.

The FSE Exploers wear a range of patches on their uniforms. The badges are placed all over the uniform shirt and serve a variety of purposes. Because of the similarities in uniforms, the various levels are inducated by a badge on the left sleeve. Badges on the right sleeve indicate where the troop and the province where it is located. A badge over the right pocket indicates the Baden Powell program. And a left pocket badge shows the individual's rank. These are the major badges, but there are several others as well.


Ritchi, Paul. Group Leader, FSE Canada, E-mail, November 26, 2006.


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Created: 7:06 PM 11/26/2006
Last updated: 7:06 PM 11/26/2006