First Montana and Sierre Scout Camp (1941)

Figure 1.-- During the Summer our Scout troop always held a 2-week long Summer camp somewhere on one of the Alpine meadows. This terminated always with a 2 or 3-day long hike over the Alps. Here is the first Scout Camp father orgnized. I was much to young to partixipate in it.

During the Summer our Scout troop always held a 2-week long Summer camp somewhere on one of the Alpine meadows. This terminated always with a 2 or 3-day long hike over the Alps. Summer camp for Swiss Scouts was a process that generally started in the Spring. I have some photographs of the first Scout Summer camp my father organized for the Scouts from Montana and Sierre. It was not far away, as it was in 1941, just above Montana on one of the Alpine meadows. The pictures show, how primitive the instalations were, as eveything had to be built by the scouts. I was too young to join in the camp, but I heard all the stories about it from my brothers and couldn't wait until I could join in the adventure. I was much too you to participate in this summer-camp in 1941, but I vividly remember hiking up to it and visiting it.


Voute, Tom. E-mail message, June 8-10, 2006.


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Created: 7:37 PM 6/10/2006
Last updated: 7:37 PM 6/10/2006