United States Boy Scout Uniforms: The Eleventh National Jamboree (1981)

Figure 1.--This Scouts at the 1981 Natioanl Jamboree are considering their trading strategy at the many sites where patch trading is conducted. He is about to make a big decission. Note the Council patches in his hand.

Surveying the uniforms at the Nation Jamborees is a good reflection of evolving U.S. Scout uniform trends.


The Eleventh Natioanl Jamboree was held at Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia. The Fort is named after an important Confederate general in the American Civil War. This was the first National Jamboree to be held at Fort A.P. Hill, but all subsequent Natioanl Jamboprees have been held there, taking advantage of the facilities offered by the Army, some of which have become permanent.

Interesting Developments

Trading Patches

Although not an official activity. One of the most popular activity at the Jamboree was trading Scout patches.

Foreign Scouts

Two Uniforms

The 1981 Natioanl Jamboree was a transitional event. Most of the Scouts at the Jaboree wore the new uniform that was just introduced in 1981. The Scouts seen trading patches wear the new uniform (figure 1). A few units and many individuals still had the old olive green uniform that American Scouts had worn since the 1940s. As a result it was possible to see both uniforms. It was the last tume that large numbers of American Scouts could be seen wearing the old uniform. and the old uniform for the last time.

Uniform Items

Summer Uniform

Jamboree Items


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Created: December 18, 2002
Last updated: December 18, 2002