Estonian Pitka Sea Scout

Figure 1.--Admiral Johan Pitka, a hero in the Estonian War of Liberation (1919-20), apparently sponsored Sea Scouting in Estonia. They were called the Pitka Sea Scouts. We note this unidentified boy wearing the Sea Scout uniform, probably about 1930. One source claims that the group existed only a short time.

Admiral Johan Pitka, a hero in the Estonian War of Liberation (1919-20), apparently sponsored sea Scouting. They apparently were called the Pitka Sea Scouts. Estonia is a Baltic country and thus there were opportunities for sailing and other boating acivities. We note an unidentified boy wearing the Sea Scout uniform, probably about 1930. One source claims that the group existed only a short time.


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Created: 7:41 AM 9/22/2011
Last updated: 7:42 AM 9/22/2011