Boys' Historical Clothing: New Pages--September 2011

Figure 1.--Standard school shorts at two ffront pockets and no back pockets. Stylistic changes affected the pockets, especially the size of the pockets. Shorts at mid-century tended to be long and baggy. This allowed for large, voluminous pockets. Shorts in the 1960s began to become both shorter and more snug fitting. This meant that much less could be fitted into the pockets.

Some HBC readers tell us that they would like to be able to access new pages, but do not want to receive E-mails on every new page added to HBC. We have also for several years now experienced problems dealing with AOL. Thus we have created this page for HBC readers. We will list new pages or existing pages to which we have added additional information. We used to maintain a page like this. We know from this experience that we sometimes forget to add a new page, but we will try to remember to do this as much as possible. There will not be a link on our home page so you will want to add this to your favorites/book marks. We plan to only make this page available to readers who support HBC. There may be occasional changes in the URL. Just let me know if you have any question about this new HBC feature.

September 30

Sierra Leone

Canadian first communions: Garments

American catalogs/advertising: Wearpledge (1919)

September 29

American underwaists: Yankee waist (1896)

American families: The Iversons

American Fauntleroy suits: Headwear--Jockey caps

Ancient Hebrews: History and the Old Testament

World War II: Pacific strategic bombing campaign

September 28

American fabrics: Top-Flight Corduroy (1944)

American boy: Roy LaFolette

American girl sailor outfits

German royalty: Württemberg--Duke Eugene (1820-75)

Russian/German royalty: Württemberg--Grand Duchess Vera Konstantinovna

September 27

German royalty: Mecklenburg--Friedrich Franz clothing

Thai royalty: King Chulalongkorn

September 26


German knee socks: 20th century

English suits: Short lapel jackets

September 25


American waist union suits: 1921

American pets

Spanish regions: Carary Islands

September 24

American working boys: ADT messemger boys

American ringlet curls: The 1870s--Clothing

September 23

English orphanage movement

Danish summer camping

World War II: Danish home front

World War II: Denmark

American vests: The 19th century

American suit vests: The 1860s

September 22

Belgian hosiery: Chronology

Philippines activities--Work

Estonian Pitka Sea Scout

Tongan schools: School uniforms

Tongan schols: Modern system

Finnish families: Huusko family

Portugal chronology

September 21

British films: Carry On, Teacher--Fiming

British films: Carry On, Teacher--Setting

American military schools: Unique nature

American military schools: Garments

World War II: German invasion of Poland: Air opertations

American girl dresses: 19th century

September 20

World War II: NAZI Party Rallies

September 19

English film reviews: Carry On, Teacher

Movie reviews: C's

Italian private schools: Chronology

Estonian history: Indepencence War

September 18

Australian television: Bootleg

Bosnian history

American suit pants: 15 year olds

American working boys: Clerking

Russian Tsarist schools: Types

Irish schools: Unidentified Donegal school

September 17

World War I: Irish political divisions

American breeching: Ages--4 year olds

Malta history

September 16

Ulster history

English school uniform shorts: Pockets

American Fauntleroy items: Floppy bows--Option

September 15

German school footwear: Wooden shoes

Japanese catalogs: The 21st century

September 14

Japanese school activities: Walking to school--Time

Japanese school headwear: Chinstraps--Extent

Lithuanian schools

Lithuanian schools: Tsarist era

American elections: 1948 presidential election

America children: Dallas family

American Fauntleroy suits: Standard lapel jackets

American inter-War commercial aviation

Isreali activities

September 13

German girls garments

World War II: Barbsrossa--Desperate German efforts

September 12

Indonesian economy

German sailor suit chronology: The 1930s

16th century conflicts

Polish history: Dismenbered Partioned Poland

September 11

German schools: Skerbersdorf village school

Maldives Scouting

Libyan history

American Cub uniforms: Hosiery

German lace collars: Gender

September 10

Scottish kilts: Usage conventions

Brazilian economy: Sectors

Australian school activities: Field trips

Guyanese education

September 9

Age grading: 20th century

World War II: German Flossenbürg Concentration Camp

American Native American tribes: The Penobscot

Byzantine general: Belisarius

September 8

Eastern Roman Empire: Early military role

English boy: John Denton

American boy: Eugene Watson Milford

September 7

Middle East: Islamic toleration

Unknown Wolf Cub image

17th century conflicts

September 6

English artists: Laslett J. Pott

Cook Island Scouts

American boy: Henry Gates Hayes

English knee pants suits: Ages

September 5

Japanese school chronology: The 1970s

Japanese schools: Primary school (1964)

September 4

American pants: Chronology--1850s

American hair: Chronology--1850s

Japanese schools: City primary school (1963)

September 3

Japanese school chronology: The 1960s

Scottish school kilts

Holocaust ghettoes: Purpose

American films: Stella Dallas

September 2

Japanese schools: The 1950s--School level

Australian choirs: Unidentified boy choir

Indian school chronology: Ancient schools

September 1

Japanese school activitities: Processions

School tights: Gender

School uniforms: Military-styled garments

Japanese school field trips: The 20th century


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Created: 9:13 PM 9/1/2011
Last updated: 9:13 PM 9/1/2011